Surah Kahf Read Online


Surah Kahf (The cave) Online (سورة الكهف)

It is said by the Holy Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) that a person who recites Surah Al Kahf on Friday will remain protected from evil between two Fridays and a light (Noor) is created for him.

Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online
Reading Surah Kahf Online

Information about Surah Kahf:

Located in Para NO:       29th Para
Surah NO:                        18rd 
Revelation Place:            Makki Surah
Surah Kahf Ayats:           110
Surah Kahf Words:         1742
Surah Kahf Letters:        6482
Surah Kahf  Ruku:          12

                                   Jazak Allah for Reading Surah Kahf Online!

Surah Al Kahf Meaning

Al-Kahf (Arabic: الكهف, al-kahf; meaning: The Cave) is the 18th chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 110 verses (āyāt).

There is a hadith in Sahih Muslim that states that Muhammad said (Concerning The False Messiah, Al-Masih ad-Dajjal):

"He who amongst you would survive to see him should recite over him the opening verses of Sura Kahf" — Sahih Muslim, Book 41, Number 7015
“Whoever reads the letter of  Surah Al-Kahf on Friday, it will be emitted light for him between two Jum’at.” (Narrated by Al-Hakim: 2/368 and Al-Bayhaqi: 3/249.)

Surah Kahf: The Benefits and Rewards of Reciting It on Friday

It offers various advantages, but some of the more important ones are listed here.

Protect Yourself From Dajal Fitna

When Dajjal appeared, a person who recites the last ten verses of Surah Kahf every Friday will be safeguarded from Dajjal's fitna.

Let Your Light Shine

ALLAH will pour a light (NOOR) on the face of whosoever reads Surah Kahf on Friday for the next two Fridays.

Please pardon my sins.

ALLAH will pardon all of the sins of those who read Surah Kahf every Friday.

Defend against poverty

On Friday, whoever reads Surah Kahf will have ALLAH bless his home and safeguard him from poverty.

Noor: A light will be illuminated between him and Makkah and he will be illuminated with it on the day of resurrection.

Forgiveness from Sins: Anyone who reads Surah Kahf on Friday then His sins between the two Fridays will be forgiven.

One of Prophet Muhammad’s companions, Ibn ‘Abbas, reports that it was revealed to comfort people who were in distress. If a person suffers hardship or grief in their life, they can recite surah Kahf as a means of seeking comfort. Many Muslims believe it will help ward off evil, bring them better dreams, increase their wealth, and more.

What is the meaning of KAHF?

A cave, a cavern, a grotto.

Where is the cave of KAHF?

The Cave of the Seven Sleepers is a historical and religious site in al-Rajib, a village to the east of Amman. 

It is claimed that this cave housed the Seven Sleepers (Arabic: اصحاب الكهف, aṣḥāb al kahf) - a group of young men who, according to Byzantine and Islamic sources, fled the religious persecution of Roman emperor Decius. Legend has it that these men hid in a cave around 250 AD, emerging miraculously about 300 years later. 

Considerable debate remains concerning the exact location of this cave - various locations in Turkey including Afşin, Tarsus, and Mount Pion been suggested in addition to the al-Rajib site. The site is surrounded by the remains of two mosques and a large Byzantine cemetery. 

It is near the Sabah bus station and approximately a fifteen-minute bus ride from Amman's Wihdat Station

Reciting Surah Kahf is one of the great blessings that Allah grants to his servants, but very few people are aware of the significance and benefits of reciting Surah Kahf. Allah says in the Quran: Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Quran that you may understand. (Quran, 12:2) Reciting Surah Kahf thus allows us to gain more understanding from this wonderful Book of Guidance Quran.

Why should we learn Surah Kahf?

In surah Kahf, Allah shares with us some stories of pious people who were saved from a major disaster by remembering Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala). Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him) is one such person. He was swallowed by a whale for days but remembered Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) throughout his ordeal. He was miraculously saved because he didn’t forget to praise his Lord, despite being in a dire situation. We can learn many lessons from Prophet Dawud’s story, including how to deal with difficult situations we may face in our lives. 

What are the benefits of reciting this surah daily?

In a well-known hadith, Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Jumu’ah, then it is as if he has read half of the Qur’an. This is because it contains important reminders for Muslims in their daily lives. Each verse is like a beacon to light one’s path towards righteousness. 

Here are some benefits that you can gain from reciting Surah Kahf every day Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) states that whoever recites Surah Kahf will have no fear or sorrow. This surah gives protection against all types of fears, including those which come through physical harm. It also protects us from grief and sadness. These two emotions are usually caused by worldly worries or concerns; when we recite Surah Kahf we shield ourselves against these worries so they do not affect us negatively. 

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that whoever recites Surah Kahaf will never suffer from poverty.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) once told Hazrat Abu Dardaa’ (may Allah be pleased with him), If you wish, I can tell you words which, if you say them after every prayer, none will take your wealth except what is destined for you.

  • Surah Kahf offers tremendous benefits, as it is one of Prophet Muhammad’s most powerful surahs. When recited daily, for instance, surah Kahf purifies your heart from sins; it also increases your iman (faith) in God’s existence. If you recite surah al Kahf regularly, therefore, you will enjoy a blissful afterlife. 
  • In addition to these spiritual rewards, there are numerous physical and psychological benefits associated with reciting Surah Kahf. 
  • You will be protected by the trials of dajjal and even from the dajjal. if u remember the first 10 verses of Kahf.
  • If you read it on Friday Allah will give a Noor(light) in your life and heart till next Friday
  • Whoever reads Surah Kahaf on Friday and goes early to the mosque without crossing their leg above their shoulder people and listens qutbah attentively, his sins will be forgiven from this Friday to the previous Friday
  • It will gain more blessing and good deeds from Allah and he can self-prepare himself before dying
  • It gives many lessons and moral values.. it is so good for our health that we can get it from doctors also. if u read surah Kahf every night in your prayer times Allah will protect you from all dajjal in Dunya and akhirah