Read Surah Mulk (The Sovereignty) Online
It is narrated by Zarrat Jabir that
🕌 رسولﷺ Do not sleep until you have recited Surah As-Sajda and Surah Tabarak Al-Dhi
(Surah Mulk) Tirmidhi Chapter Majaa in
Surah Mulk
Information about Surah Mulk:
Located in Para:
Surah NO:
Revelation Place: Makkah
Surah Mulk Ayats:
Surah Mulk Words: 363
Surah Mulk Letters: 1332
Surah Mulk Ruku: 2
Jazzak Allah for Online Reading Surah Mulk here!
Must Read Surah Sajdah online here
Must Read Surah Waqiah Online
Must Read Surah Muzammil Online
Must Read Surah Fath Online
Surah Mulk English translation
1-3 Praise be to the Almighty, the all-powerful Creator, and
3-5 The magnificence of God's workmanship, which can be seen in the
skies, exalts him.
5 We have ornamented the lowest sky with lamps and manufactured
missiles out of them to pelt the devils, and We have prepared the
punishment of raging fire for them.
- 6-8 Unbelievers will be subjected to torments in hell.
8-11 Infidels who label Muhammad an impostor will confess their folly
in hell.
12 Those who dread their unseen Lord will be forgiven and receive a
wonderful recompense.
- 13-14 All things are known to God.
- 15-18 Unbelievers will be destroyed by God.
19-24 Unbelievers who are ungrateful to the God who keeps them alive.
25-28 They challenged the Prophet to expedite the day of judgment, but
they will be terrified when it approaches.
- 29-30 On that day, The Merciful was the lone guardian.
سورہ ملک کا انگریزی ترجمہ
- 1-3 الحمد للہ قادر مطلق، قادر مطلق خالق اور حاکم۔
- 3-5 خُدا کی کاریگری کی عظمت، جو آسمانوں میں دیکھی جا سکتی ہے، اُسے سرفراز کرتی ہے۔
- 5 ہم نے آسمان کے نیچے کو چراغوں سے آراستہ کیا اور ان سے شیطانوں کو مارنے کے لیے میزائل بنائے اور ان کے لیے بھڑکتی آگ کا عذاب تیار کر رکھا ہے۔
- 6-8 کافروں کو جہنم میں عذاب دیا جائے گا۔
- 8-11 جو کافر محمد کو دھوکے باز کہتے ہیں وہ جہنم میں اپنی حماقت کا اعتراف کریں گے۔
- 12 جو لوگ اپنے غیب سے ڈرتے ہیں ان کو معاف کر دیا جائے گا اور انہیں شاندار اجر ملے گا۔
- 13-14 سب چیزیں خدا کو معلوم ہیں۔
- 15-18 کافروں کو خدا تباہ کر دے گا۔
- 19-24 کافر جو خدا کے ناشکرے ہیں جو انہیں زندہ رکھتا ہے۔
- 25-28 انہوں نے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کو چیلنج کیا کہ قیامت کا دن تیز کر دیں، لیکن جب وہ قریب آئے گا تو وہ گھبرا جائیں گے۔
- 29-30 اس دن، رحمن اکیلا ولی تھا۔
Surah Mulk's central theme
Quraysh is warned of their fate in this world and the next if they deny Muhammad(PBUH).
What does Surah Mulk mean?
The 67th chapter (Surah) of the Holy Quran is Surah Mulk or al-Mulk. It's called "Sovereignty" or "Kingdom" in English. It's a Meccan Surah that emphasizes that no one individual has the authority to impose their will on others; instead, he can only guide and provide an example.
Surah al Mulk read benefits: how reciting this special surah can change your life
Surah Mulk was revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH after Surah Al-Qalam. It’s considered one of the last chapters that Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. In this article, we will learn what Surah Mulk read online benefits are and how it can change your life by improving various aspects of it.
سورہ الملک پڑھنے کے فائدے: اس خاص سورت کی تلاوت آپ کی زندگی کو کیسے بدل سکتی ہے۔
سورۃ الملک سورۃ الکلم کے بعد نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر نازل ہوئی۔ یہ آخری ابواب میں سے ایک سمجھا جاتا ہے جو اللہ نے نبی محمد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم پر نازل کیا تھا۔ اس آرٹیکل میں ہم جانیں گے کہ سورہ ملک کو آن لائن پڑھنے کے کیا فائدے ہیں اور اس کے مختلف پہلوؤں کو بہتر بنا کر یہ آپ کی زندگی کو کیسے بدل سکتی ہے۔
Surah Mulk Reading Benefits
Surah Mulk is the name of Surah No 30 in the Holy Quran (The Holy Book of Muslims). It has 45 verses (ayat) that have been revealed by Allah SWT, the Supreme God.
The benefits of reciting Surah Mulk are numerous. It will safeguard you not
only in this life but also in the afterlife.
"Verily, there is a chapter in the Quran that has thirty Ayat that will intercede on behalf of its reciter till he is forgiven," Muhammad remarked, as reported by Imam Ahmad via Abu Hurayrah. 'Blessed be He Who Has the Dominion in His Hand.' (Surah Mulk)
According to a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) advised reading Surah
Mulk every night before bedtime.
The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, is reported to have said in a Hadith
transmitted by Imam al-Hakim:
"The Surah Mulk protects the dead from punishment." Abdullah bin Mas'ud,
according to Imam Hakim, stated that the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, is
saddened by:
'A man will be approached in his grave from his legs, chest, and then the
head,' Abdullah ibn Masud is claimed to have declared. And each time this
Surah defends him, it says, 'You cannot harm him since he used to recite
Surah Mulk.'
How Can I Benefit From Reciting Short Verses from Surah Mulk?
According to a Hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas (Radi Allahu Anhu), Prophet
Muhammad (Sall-Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, Whoever recites Surah Mulk at
night, he and all his family will be protected by Allah from Satan on that
night. Thus, reciting short verses from Surah Mulk can help protect you from
any evil influence or harm caused by Shaytan.
Moreover, it
is reported in another Hadith that whoever recites Surah AL Mulk after every
compulsory prayer of two rak’ahs, then Shaytan will never come near him.
This is because one of its verses states: And We have indeed created man
into hardship [Al-Mulk: 4].
Reciting these few words repeatedly reminds us of our hardships and difficulties in life; thus we may begin to ask ourselves why we are so comfortable when there are so many people suffering around us?
How can I memorize Surah Mulk?
There are two ways in which you can memorize Surah Mulk; you can either
read it regularly or listen to it being recited.
Memorizing passages
from Surah Mulk has many benefits.
It helps us remember Allah and learn
about His greatness. It also increases our love for Him and for His
Messenger (peace be upon him).
What is Surah Mulk read for?
Surah Mulk offers more advantages than you might think.
It will
safeguard you not just in this life and the next, but also in the
According to a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)(ﷺ) advised reading Surah
Mulk every night before retiring to bed. It is stated that by doing so, you
will be protected from the torment of the grave.
Surah Mulk is full of wisdom that comes to us from Allah, and it contains many of His commandments. Reciting it helps put our lives in perspective and helps us find balance in every aspect of our lives.
It also reminds us of what we have been blessed with and how we
should be grateful for all of it. It reminds us to spend time with family
and friends, practice good manners, pray regularly, work hard at our jobs,
and strive for excellence in everything we do.
It reminds us not to take
life for granted but make each day count by working hard toward a
better future while trying not to get caught up in trivial matters or lose
sight of what’s important in life.
Surah al Mulk read at Night(Must)
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says: Whoever recites Surah
Mulk and then proceeds to sleep, will wake up as if he had slept for a
lifetime. [Tirmidhi] In another Hadith, it is stated that whoever recites
Surah Mulk on going to bed at night would be protected by Allah from Shaytan
until he wakes up in the morning. [Ibn Majah] It is also stated that whoever
reads Surah Mulk before sleeping would not be affected by any evil eye or
witchcraft during his sleep. [Tabarani] Similarly, it is mentioned that if
one recites Surah Al-Mulk before sleeping, no one can harm him/her till
morning. [Ahmad ibn Hanbal].
The Power of Surah Mulk
Alhamdulillah, we all recite Surah Mulk on a regular basis but do you know that Surah Mulk has some incredible benefits?
Some of them are as follows:-It is recommended to recite Surah Mulk at night.
This particular Quranic verse helps one sleep better and relaxes his/her mind so that he/she will be able to sleep peacefully.
The more one reads it, there is greater the likelihood for him/her to get closer to Allah (SWT). Reciting Surah Mulk will help people who want success and achievement in their lives.
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